Monday, June 06, 2005

Tagged !!

Now I have no idea as to what is this all about, just that it seems like a chain which I am supposed to continue. People who are very curious can try to track back the trail starting from Iyer's Blog. I gave up confused ... but here is my version !! I hope you are happy iyer.
Three names I go by -
1. Chordia
2. Ashchord (New one.. nice na )
3. Ashish
Three Screen Names-
1. ashishchordiag8 (Don't dare ask me whats g8.. its not great)
2. ashchord
Any more suggestions ...
Three things I like about myself-
1. My way of taking it easy
2. My confidence
3. My internal alarm clock(sometimes that amazes me myself but I always wake up before the the battery clock wakes me up)
Three things I don't like about myself-
1. My hair (cactus or as better put by some.. GolC ki ghaas)
2. My inability to express myself at some times.
3. My bragging at some times.
Three things that scare me-
1. Cockroaches
2. Horror movies
3. Ghosts obviously (I am no HeMan)
Three Essentials-
1. Wallet with money
2. Glasses
3. Computer with internet connection [:D]
Three things I like in opposite sex-
1. Confidence
2. Intelligence
3. Frankness
Three things I want to do badly right now-
1. Do some serious work
2. Talk to some friends for long hours(I really am missing you)
3. Plan next weekend's trip
Three careers I am considering right now-
1. Career counsellor
2. A manager (whatever those are)
3. Chef ( I love cooking when I don't have anything better to do .. )
Three places I want to go on vacation-
1. Switzerland
2. Venice
3. Bangi ..
Three kids names I like-
1. Preeti
2. Saumya
3. Dimple ..
Oops are these all female??
Three things to do before dying-
1. The forbidden thing (top priority)
2. Find my true love (Shrek isstyle)
3. Have a big car
Now the best part--
Three winners who have to take this quiz-
U can get the idea from iyer's blog given above.


kpowerinfinity said...

Three things I like in opposite sex-
1. Confidence
2. Intelligence
3. Frankness

Yeh kisme dekh liya baap?

Arvind Iyer said...

Thanks a lot for propogating the Q's. The answers are getting less and less truthful 'down the line'...but its SOMETHING !